How To Add Transitions On VN Video Editor – Best Guide On Transitions

How to do transitions on vn video editor


Video editing is a thing that involves various elements together like effects, filters, music, clips and transitions to create a professional video. One of the best elements that can give a professional look to your video and editing skills is the use of transitions. In this article, we will learn how to be an expert in transitions in VN video editor, and by the end of this article, you will have the skills to create smooth and professional-looking transition videos that attract your audience.

What are Transitions?

Transitions are the effects that are used to connect the gap between two videos or scenes. Transitions also increase your video’s beauty and give a professional look to your video. VN video editor offers a huge variety of transitions and premium transitions, including fades, slides, cuts and many more options. If you want to use premium transitions and other paid features for free, you have to download the VN app from here: VN Mod APK.

How To Add Transitions In VN Video Editor? Just Follow These Steps.

Adding transitions in the VN video editor is an easy and basic process. Just follow these steps.

Step 1: Open the VN video editor, create a new project and import your videos.

Step 2: Start the editing by selecting the videos you want to edit. Drag and drop them on the timeline to apply transitions.

Step 3: To add the transition between two videos, make sure they are on the timeline. Tap on the “Transitions” tab, which is located at the bottom of the screen. Here, you can select transition effects from various transition effects.

Step 4: Choose the right transition for your video. Selecting the right transitions is a little bit tough. For example, a simple cut works well for a fast action scene, and a crossfade is great for a transition between two scenes.

Step 5: Once you have chosen the right transition effect, simply drag and drop it between two videos. VN video editor also allows you to edit the duration, speed and intensity of different durations to find what works best for your videos.

Step 6: Enhance your video and transition with the best sound that matches with your transition.

Step 7: Always preview your videos to ensure the editing looks smooth and natural. If needed, make further editing adjustments until you are satisfied with the video.

Step 8: Once you are satisfied with the video, it’s time to explore it by clicking on the “export” button, selecting your preferred video quality and saving the video on your device.


Mastering transitions in VN Video Editor can significantly enhance the quality of your videos, making them more engaging and professional. Remember to choose the right transition for the mood of your video and always preview your work before exporting. With the practice, you will become a professional at creating amazing transitions that keep your viewers attached to video.

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