How To Blur Video In VN Video Editor – Easy Step by Step Guide

How To Blur Video In VN Video Editor


VN Video Editor known as a user friendly and full of features app, offering great video editing capabilities. One of the best feature is video blurring, this article provides a step by step guide on how to blur video in vn video editor.

What is Blur Effect?

The blur effect is a great trick in photography and videography. It makes parts of a video blur while keeping the main thing clear. Imagine a portrait where the person is clear, but the background is blur. That is the meaning of blur effect. It adds a nice look, making things look more attractive and focusing. whether you’re taking pictures or doing videography, mastering the blur effect can make your work attractive.

Here is Step by step guide about how to blur video in VN Video Editor

Step 1: start by downloading and installing VN Video Editor on your device. VN Video Editor is available on Android, PC and iOS.

Step 2: Launch VN Video Editor and import the video from your device which you want to edit and blur.

Step 3: Once the video is imported, navigate to the editing tools section. Look for the feature that only relates to blurring video. In VN Video Editor, this feature is often founded within the Effects or Filters menu.

Step 4: Select the part of the video you want to blur. VN Video Editor allows users to draw a rectangle or shape around the area user want to blur. Adjust the size and position of the shape to cover that area.

Step 5: VN Video Editor offers customization options for blur opacity. you can control how much blur you want to apply to the selected area.

Step 6: Before saving the edited video, take advantage of VN Video Editor’s preview feature. This feature allows you to view the video before saving the video with the applied blur.

Step 7: Now, Save your edited video. VN Video Editor also provides options for resolution and video saving format. Select which format and resolution you want and save the video.


This article explains how to blur video in VN Video Editor, a user-friendly app. It guides users through downloading, importing videos, applying blur, customizing intensity, previewing, and saving. FAQs confirm the ability to blur multiple areas, resize shapes, and note a free download option for the paid version.


Yes, you can blur multiple areas in a video using VN Video Editor.

Yes, you can resize the blur effect shape and position in VN Video Editor. It allows you to adjust the size of the blur, making it smaller or larger based on your choices.

Yes, there is Paid version of VN Video Editor you can download it from here VN Paid Version.

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